Saturday, September 10, 2011

Small Victories!!

So the motor set up that I had on Thursday was apparently not set up correctly because it did not work! So before I wrote about my failure, I wanted to make sure that I could correctly set up the boards to make the motor spin!! In hindsight I should have taken a picture of the set up I had before and compared it to the one that now works! However, I was so frustrated that I couldn't figure out the wiring or read the schematic drawing that I gave up.. rather quickly! 
Before I succeeded with the motor I did a couple of more tutorials with leds! I follow the instructions from the website recommended by John: .  Even though it was a little time consuming to go step by step (even simple steps I already knew) it was SUPER HELPFUL!! I won't lie, on the 3rd tutorial ( where you are suppose to rewire things based on the schematics... I accidentally burnt an LED (I didn't connect the resistor correctly!). It was a little scary but in my mind one of those inevitable things of playing with it! 

One light just on (no blinking) - starting simple!

After reading the tips on how to decipher schematic drawings I moved on to try to tackle that "spin motor spin" tutorial (I was determined!). So I looked at the few instructions from the CIRC-03 tutorial of the sparkfun guide and I felt like I understood a lot more! I still used the breadboard illustration sheet but I felt a little more informed about the decisions I was making! 
I admit, even when I thought I had everything set up correctly the motor didn't turn on! I found out that the diode was reversed, once I changed it it worked!
Anyway here are some videos and pictures of how my day with playing with the arduino went!

Final set up for the motor
Beginning to set up for the motor

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